To serve the function of the legislative order, the managers understood that there must be cultural background on the different countries they are having business with. This was to avoid the penalties and to enjoy the rewards of compliance with the national and local rules of the different cultural contexts. Included in their research materials were the social policy practices and the legislative, business-related practices that each country applies. The human rights systems framework must also be taken into consideration to function in today’s globally oriented economy (Mor-Barak 18).
The International Bill of Human Rights is composed of (1) Universal Declaration of Human Rights; (2) International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; (3) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; and two optional protocols. This is responsible to promote the collective wishes to promote social policies that would examine diversity legislations in the global perspective. It is an authoritative representative body that is capable of speaking to a variety of people all over the world concerning their values systems.
Thus, statements regarding the employment rights and the equality in workplace are addressed, even at the minimum standards of consensus (Mor-Barak 18). According to its first article as adopted by the UN General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in the spirit of brotherhood (18). Workplace diversity is also concerned in other ways in which individuals are different from one another.
Examples are age group, sexual preference, and physical illness or disabilities. To better serve employees and the external constituents, the governmental organizations and businesses enforced diversity programs and initiatives and at the same time enhancing productivity, competitiveness and effectiveness. There are many available practices proven effective by organizations that have implemented them, and are still open for modifications for further improvement (Rice 22). Both productivity and risk management are issues under workplace diversity.
As of the productivity issue, the lack of diversity initiatives in a workplace has plausible effects on employee relations, attitudes, retention and turnover, and hiring because of the hindrances that might be caused by discrimination of a diverse group of individuals. In terms of risk management, the public service delivery organizations might find it hard to penetrate their business’s bottom line (for the public sector), profit earnings, and achieve customer satisfaction. Moreover, deficit in workplace diversity may be a source of lawsuit discrimination (Mitchell 23).
It was noted by the companies themselves that there was an increase in the spending power of the minority groups. In relation this, they were interested in increasing also the number of workers who came from the minority group or simply workers who are of diverse origin. They has established a relationship that the more workers from the minority group in their company, the better is their profit because of the many individuals from the minority group that patronize their services and products. It was concluded a chief executive officer of a major company in U. S. that companies who welcome workforce diversity will attain a certain level of edge over those who do not, as the economic strength of the minority group continued to climb.
The IBM also had a profit analysis in 2002 in about 160 countries that emerging markets are growing, with the female group of individuals and the minorities contributing a lot to the market cash flow, and that thing they cannot ignore. With the situations presented, several positions inclined with diversity matters were created. Positions such as director of diversity in the Best Foods, manager of corporate diversity and work life planning in Ford Motor Co. , director of workforce diversity in Hewlett-Packard, and director of equal opportunity/affirmative action and global diversity operations (Lucent Technologies) were invented (Mitchell 24).
And with this emerged the protection of the culturally different groups, with the help of the law enforcement from the police force as the minority group became more sensitive with their contributions and the treatment to them before their role emerged in the market. Cultural awareness trainings were employed to help the police who face a lot of culturally different individuals, in dealing with culture and race related issues.
Also, to issues that the police encounters are more of social in nature rather than law enforcement-specific. The third reason was just for the police to be stronger in human relations. The last reason was to improve the quality of life as the multicultural world demands for security, in relation to police effectiveness. Police training against racism issues was also done in helping the police to be more culturally perceptive and effective upon dealing with cases and complaints, either from the suspects or the complainants.