Previous executive Nawaz Sharif, who in the Avenfeild reference is condemned a 10-year lockup facility in the wake of being… Continued
International Court of Justice
As international relations have become more complicated, world events have become more violent, and fewer and fewer states comply… Continued
In the year 1945, the International Court of Justice or ICJ is established by the United Nations Charter. It is the primary sector… Continued
The International Court of Justice is the body tasked by the United Nations to settle judicial disputes by member countries… Continued
Overall, these developments took us further away from, not closer to, an international criminal court. Certainly, it is not too… Continued
On July 8, 1996, the international court of justice also known as the world court decided on a question on whether the threat or… Continued
The International Court of Justice was constituted by the Charter of the United Nations and by the Statute of the Court, both of… Continued
International Law is a body of rules and principles that administer the associations and commerce of nations towards each other…. Continued
The present day world scenario makes the founding principles of the United Nations all the more relevant as compared to the time… Continued
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN) (International Court of… Continued