After the invention of surveillance in the 1940’s in Germany, it eventually led to more advanced surveillance opportunities in… Continued
Criminal justice
Australia let us all rejoice, for we are not all young and free. There is a human rights crisis in Australia. The… Continued
The Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program gets data on crime in the United States. It’s published by the FBI. UCR is ‘a… Continued
Leadership in Criminal JusticeTo uphold justice, liberty, and equality among members and within the organization and afford legal… Continued
As a status offender, the laws of the juvenile justice system have the authority to issue warning, citations, and referrals to the… Continued
Intermediate sanctions are sanctions which are much more restrictive as compared to probation, but at the same time they are less… Continued
The three areas that required greater openness and accountability include; government information, immigration process and the… Continued
‘Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice a fore thought’, according to US Code. Murder has been classified… Continued
When the drug was legalised, local business saw a demand for the substance and opened what appear as coffee shops, so by keeping… Continued
The codes of ethics in criminal justice are comprehensive and as such, cover numerous disciplinary and professional boundaries…. Continued