Jacques Chirac once said that the politics of France would always remain "effervescent". Political volatility is a… Continued
Socialist Law Essays
A. Du Bois’ study of the Philadelphia Negro community published in the ‘nineties stands out even today as a most valuable… Continued
The left wing in France since 1945 has never been a unified political force. Instead, it has been a divided and pluralistic… Continued
The new government nationalized the country? s banking system and brought all currency credit under centralized control. It… Continued
Traditional democratic socialism is characterised by a belief in equality, fraternity and liberty. In practice this means… Continued
Eighteenth century industrialisation created a new class of working people, dependent for survival on the wage they earned for… Continued
The current Labour Party holds a belief some elements of socialism, but the party hold more anti-socialist beliefs. Overall, they… Continued
This essay analyses aspects of the scenario which enabled Adolf Hitler to become dictator of the German Reich to transform the… Continued
Many Socialists have believed that Socialism could only be introduced by overthrowing the current political system. Blanqui… Continued
British Labour was born in the 19th century; a product of the trades union movement and the socialist political parties of the… Continued