The most significant personal trait for any professional lawyer is honesty. When you are studying for getting a degree in law or just willing to pursue a career in the juridical field, you should learn to be academically honest. Whenever you have completed a writing assignment, devote some time to using our free plagiarism checker for students. It is the best way to maintain your good reputation of an honorable lawyer-to-be as well as a straight A student.

 Free Online Checker for Students 

Writing essays is a priori challenging and demanding. Students should spend lots of time doing the research, structuring papers, evaluating the credibility of used sources, adding relevant examples. When everything is already done, there is only one step left – check for plagiarism. With the global spread of information via the world wide web, it becomes more and more difficult to make new texts entirely original. A good writer includes various citations and references to prove that the essay is written on the basis of substantial research. It sometimes occurs that the writer uses too many direct quotations in the article. Therefore, the academic novelty of their writing will be not satisfactory. In other situations, writers may paraphrase somebody’s words not correctly, and the computer counts it as cheating. Using our best plagiarism checker, you will be able to anticipate those problems mentioned above. This will make sure that your status of an honest student will never be lost.

 How it Works for Users 

Plagiarism check will not take lots of time. There are only several simple steps in examining your writing for the originality rate:

  • copy and paste your text into the box on our site;
  • click start and wait less than a minute;
  • download your plagiarism report and examine it carefully;

If you see that the level of plagiarism in acceptable, you don’t need to change anything. It will serve only as a confirmation that the work is authentic.

If the result is not satisfactory, the detailed report will come in handy. Here you will find the comprehensive information about which fragments of your composition are considered as copying. These parts of the text are underlined, and there will be a reference to the Internet site from where the information might be probably copied. You can open these sites, check the similarity, and either paraphrase the sentences or add acceptable references.

 Credible References are not Counted 

If you write a long research paper, you will add direct or indirect citations because any quality work should be based on research. You evaluate scholars’ viewpoints, theories, classifications, and after that start your research. Don’t be afraid that the plagiarism check will be not veracious because of those citations. There is an additional option for such preferences. You can add websites, sentences, and words which should be ignored during the computerized examination. This function allows you to get more accurate results, and keep all necessary direct quotes.

 How it Works for Computers 

With the striking technological development, free online plagiarism checkers continue to improve day by day. One of such popular services is Grammarly plagiarism checker. It also aims at correcting the grammar mistakes. Hi-tech scanners and detectors form a basis for this type of service. After you have added or uploaded text in the box, the system starts scanning the whole Internet to find possible similarity in word combinations and sentences. The world wide web is enormously huge. However, our conventional detectors accomplish scanning within seconds. When the system finds similar fragments, it copies the Internet source and includes it in the final report.

The Internet allows people to find and copy any necessary information they need. If previously before the appearance of world web students had to read books for hours to get essential info, nowadays it is possible to do the same task within minutes. Dishonest students prefer to copy the information from the Internet, and even don’t add references. It is called cheating, and it is not tolerated in higher educational institutions.

You, as the future lawyer, should understand that reputation is of the utmost importance for this profession. So, start achieving this status right now from making your writing academically valuable. This teaches you to be honest and accurate. When you rewrite your text to reduce plagiarism percentages, you develop the trait of resourcefulness. These features are useful for your professional development when you need to make up a spontaneous argument during your client’s defence.

Plagiarism is not your Problem Anymore

When the originality checkers were created, not everyone had access to them. The first detectors were used in universities, and research papers were examined there. Students couldn’t anticipate the results, so they had to worry and wait.

In our modern-day world the services that check the novelty of the text are commonplace. You can examine your paper using any of them. But why look elsewhere for other services? At you can do this just in a split second. We understand that plagiarism shouldn’t be a problem for students anymore. Helping avoid this problem should be the principal task for quality and accurate checkers just like our customized service is. We guarantee that after using our program once, checking your papers will become a part of your everyday student routine.

Benefits of Plagiarism Checker

  • no more worrying about bad marks for plagiarism;
  • quick computerized scanning of the texts;
  • simple in using the service;
  • works online;
  • enhances writing skills;
  • improves academic grades;
  • gives a better insight about how plagiarism detectors work;
  • develops positive traits of character such as resourcefulness, meticulousness, integrity, honesty.

Plagiarism checking is a necessary step for students. It’s easy to do, but the impact is long-termed. Keep in mind that unless you examine your paper for authenticity, your teacher will do this for you. The only difference is that the teacher has a chance to lower your grade giving you a reputation of a cheater. But if you check your essays in advance, you will maintain the status of an honest person.