The word agriculture comes from the Latin word “ager cultura’” which means cultivation of the fields. Agriculture is a special type of production that generally involves cultivating plants and raising animals. Its scope has been expanded to include fishery and forestry. Its development resulted in significant advancements in the people’s knowledge and understanding of their environment. People were able to develop other capabilities to further improve their lives. This eventually resulted to the invention of different farming tools and methods such as plow and systematic irrigation systems.
This is why it is often said that agriculture is the basis for the development of societies. Agricultural sector is the backbone of human survival since it has been sustaining mankind over the ages. It also plays a crucial role in the overall objective and effort to achieve economic progress of a nation. The materials needed and economic activities come from this. Philippine Agriculture grew by 3. 3% to P352. 5 billion in the first quarter of 2013. Data from the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics of the Department of Agriculture (BAS-DA) showed that crops, fishery, poultry, and livestock subsectors expanded in January-March, 2013.
The agricultural sector is important because of the following reasons: * Agricultural sector provides food. The Philippine soil is best suited for root crops such as rice, corn, sugar cane, potatoes and many others. Mangoes, pineapples, coconuts, and bananas also abound. This sector also provides seafood for mineral and protein needs. * Agricultural sector provides raw materials needed to create other products. Natural materials from forests, fields, and seas can be made into different variety of handicraft products. * Agricultural sector contributes to the economic progress through export.
An important source of income for the government is the exportation of agricultural products. This is why the government has primarily focused on developing the country’s capacity to export more of agricultural products. The Philippines started this year with an export of 35 metric tons of aromatic and organic black rice to Dubai. Another batch of 80 metric tons of premium and organic, colored rice varieties were shipped to other countries. The DA, in partnership with the private sector, also exported 24 metric tons of corn feed silage for cattle to South Korea.
* Agricultural sector provides employment to a large number of Filipinos. Those on the countryside depend on agriculture for their livelihood such as farming, fishing, mining and raising livestock. * A progressive agricultural sector can support other sectors of the economy like manufacturing, trade and services by supplying the needed raw materials. This is why when a country dream of industrialization, it needs to expand and improve its agricultural production. But expanding production alone is not enough to develop the agricultural sector.
We have to remember that it makes up the substantial part of the country’s population – people who are potential customers of other products and services. Alongside efforts to expand production, it is necessary to improve people’s condition in order to strengthen their capacity as consumers. Through this a more vibrant exchange between productive sectors will take place and progress in both urban and rural areas is expected to follow. Editorial: Growth in Philippine Agriculture sector Manila Bulletin – Fri, May 31, 2013 Philippine Agriculture grew by 3.3% to P352. 5 billion in the first quarter of 2013.
Data from the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics of the Department of Agriculture (BAS-DA) showed that crops, fishery, poultry, and livestock subsectors expanded in January-March, 2013. Farmers harvested 4. 17 million metric tons (MMT) of palay valued at P66 billion, and 2. 25 MMT of corn valued at P27. 8 billion, the BAS-DA data showed, attributing the bountiful yield to early planting, sufficient irrigation, increased use of hybrid and certified rice and corn seeds, and more cultivation areas.
The government is on track to attain its sufficiency targets by year-end. Other major crops helped lift farm output in the first quarter of 2013, including pineapple, mango, tobacco, sugarcane, and onions. Fisheries grew by 5. 6%, the poultry subsector 2. 8 percent, and the hog industry by 0. 36%. The country started this year with an export of 35 metric tons of aromatic and organic black rice to Dubai. Another batch of 80 metric tons of premium and organic, colored rice varieties are ready for shipment to other countries.
The DA, in partnership with the private sector, also exported 24 metric tons of corn feed silage for cattle to South Korea. The National Economic Development Authority said the growth of agriculture exports may be sustained with the opening up of new markets for sugar and bananas. The Philippines could take advantage of demand in the United States of America (USA), Russia, China, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, and India, which are among major importers of raw cane sugar. We congratulate the Department of Agriculture headed by Secretary Proceso J.
Alcala and Bureau of Agricultural Statistics Director and concurrent Assistant Secretary of Policy and Planning Romeo S. Recide, other Officers and Personnel, and wish them all the best and success in their endeavors to maintain the good and strong performance of the Philippine agriculture sector, thus assisting those in rural areas whose livelihoods are tied to farming, fishing, and forestry in the Republic of the Philippines. CONGRATULATIONS AND MABUHAY! http://ph. news. yahoo. com/editorial-growth-philippine-agriculture-sector-174509171. html