The approval of the New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act by the senate will depend on the lobbying strategies used by the sponsors and co-sponsors of the bill. Firstly, the issue is weighty, given that from a federal level it is considered a violation to the supreme law governing the use of marijuana. However, the literature and the lobbying strategies used in this paper are strong enough to shed light on those opposing it on the basis that it will encourage young kids to engage in drug use.
The fact that the bill has sailed through the committee stage with members from the two political divides showing their great support for, convinces me that it will definitely be approved. Moreover, those claiming that there are still some loopholes which needs to be fixed can rest assured that there can always be amendments in future. Matters to do with the welfare of the people at the state level can only be addressed better from a state level.
Furthermore, the fact that more than a dozen states have legalized medical marijuana, and that the bill was built with much respect paid to weaknesses noted from those states makes it more likely to be approved by the senate. • Lobbying Letters: (1) Name [**** ****], Address [*****], Other details [****], Date [****], The Honorable Nicholas P. Scutari District 22 (Union) – New Jersey, Dear Senator, Re: S-119 & A807, “New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act:”
Thanks a lot for granting me a chance to express my opinions regarding the above named bill which you have co-sponsored with Sen. Jim Whelan (D – Atlantic). I am registered voter, a registered nurse, and a Union district resident, New Jersey. Firstly, I wish to let you know that, I FULLY SUPPORT your bill. For along time we have continued to hide behind the facades of law when our terminally ill who have exhausted legally prescription options for their ailments continue to suffer, while we can do something to relief them of the great pain they undergo: using MEDICAL MARIJUANA.
As a registered nurse, my support for your bill is based on the tangible medical literature that exists and that shows the effectiveness of medical marijuana in relieving pain among patients of debilitating medical conditions. More importantly, I have gone trough the bill and I am certain that it seals all the potential loopholes that may be used by ill-intentioned people to circumvent the intended purpose of the bill. Prom a political perspective, the bill could never have come at any better time than this, given that a total of 22 states have either ratified the use of medical marijuana, or are in the process of doing so.