Leadership in Criminal Justice
To uphold justice, liberty, and equality among members and within the organization and afford legal assistance to the public. This is the mission statement I have chosen in my ideal position in the criminal justice system. The organization would be comprised of people belonging to legal profession dedicated to spare their knowledge, skills, effort, and time to help people needing legal assistance. Moreover, the mission also extends to reviewing court decisions for lapses and any loopholes and then makes an appeal. In upholding justice, liberty, and equality among men, the mission also concerns with reviewing or scrutinizing the laws, orders, and other acts of the government which may have a prejudicial effect on the citizens’ rights. Furthermore, the mission would continue to assist courts and government for issues which are of public interest.
To serve the best interest of justice through dedication is the personal statement of the mission. In serving the best interest of justice, truth should always be the paramount priority. In upholding the truth does not mean handling cases of criminals but help the court resolve the case through out of the court arrangement. Through this measure, the liability of the criminal would be lowered while the victim would be well compensated without further argumentation in court. It is of no doubt that prosecution of case takes time and effort. Through proper coordination between the parties involved and settling the case outside the court, the days for the resolution of the case would be lessened. Hence, as a leader, I would pursue settlements that will benefit both parties rather than undergo tedious trial. Except for cases involving life and property and the penalty is grave enough.
Since the mission is primarily focused on affording legal assistance for the public, there may be no major legal and ethical issues that may arise. Except when interpretation of the organization as to the law involved is different with that of the courts. In addition, legal issues may arise when the settlements done outside the courts may be question for being tolerable of the criminals. Moreover, legal issues may arise as to the ways of implementation which may include the processes and the organization’s composition. As to ethical issues, questions may arise as to the status of the person assisted. Since the mission extends to equality in affording legal assistance, helping the criminals may create issues as to the credibility of the lawyer.
Like any other people, my goal in the field of criminal justice is to uphold justice. Upholding justice does not necessarily mean punishing the criminals and compensating the victims. Justice also means giving freedom to the innocent. It is of no doubt that courts sometimes commit mistakes. Through mistake yet unintentional, innocents are sent behind bars while criminals are set free. This truly happens when presentation of evidence was not sufficient and may be caused by technicalities in judicial system. On the other hand, criminals are also given freedom when the prosecution failed to present convincing evidence. In order to, at least, minimize these lapses, I would like to assist in the justice system. Moreover, there are individuals who have legal suits but cannot afford a lawyer. Through extending pro bono and free legal assistance to these individuals, justice would likely be served because those who have legal grounds could obtain what they deserve. Furthermore, in the achievement of these missions, it is very important to have political will to lead the people and continue inspiring them in affording free legal assistance. Hence, in the determination of these missions, it is important to lead as a good example.
It may be said that these missions are impossible and quite promising because of the obstacles underway. Some of the problems in the future could be the number of legal professors who would be willing to achieve this goal. In addition, in upholding equality, diversity should be totally eliminated. Diversity is undoubtedly an inevitable problem. It could be difficult to uphold justice when inequality exists. Another problem could be time and conflicts of interest. Notably, legal profession is a lucrative employment. The inner conflict of earning bunch of dollars and kindness would certainly arise. Moreover, the settlements out of the court could be perceived as a bad idea for it diminishes the lawyer’s ability to argue and collect attorney’s fee. Another problem is the time a lawyer is willing to give for the mission. For a lawyer having multiple cases, pro bono cases may not be given due attention. Hence, the public may not be served well. Furthermore, problems may be encountered when cooperation among the parties concerned is not attained. It is noteworthy to state that settlement out of courts is possible only when all the parties involved are willing. However, all these obstacles may be dealt with when all the legal professionals moved by the mission have determination and dedication.
In summing up, justice is one of the very essential values that should be maintained in order for the people to live in peace. Criminal justice system has been established for the purpose of upholding justice. Yet, there are still people who have not found the justice they deserve. As such extra constitutional bodies and extraordinary people should exist to help in the pursuance of justice. As an individual aspiring to be one among the people serving the best interest of justice, I also wish to accomplish the missions stated above. Upholding justice, liberty, and equality, may be an insurmountable mission. The obstacles may be strong. However, through a determined mind and kind heart, these missions would be realized. Besides, dedication for justice would be more than enough motivation to fulfill this mission. For after all, justice has its roots from goodness.